Week 63 Mythic Items and Item equipping Screen

This week kiril drew another batch of items, and I was able to do the background artwork for the screen in which you Equip these items.


This is a just a handful of the mythic items kiril drew this week.

This is a just a handful of the mythic items kiril drew this week.

Here is the space in which you will be equipping items to your units. The units will go on those flat rocks and you will be able to equip them by directly dropping the items on them or for more detail you can click on unit to open their inventory.

Here is the space in which you will be equipping items to your units. The units will go on those flat rocks and you will be able to equip them by directly dropping the items on them or for more detail you can click on unit to open their inventory.

Check out the process of drawing the items screen background!

That's everything for this week! Check back next Wednesday for more!